Terms and Conditions
Please read before purchasing or scheduling an appointment.
By scheduling or requesting any services offered by Courtney Beck, or when communicating with Courtney Beck, and/or paying for any services she offers, you are stating that you have read this disclaimer and terms of service and that you understand and willingly enter into, agree with, and accept the following:
Please schedule your appointment with the following in mind:
If you have small children, please find someone to care for them during your appointment. If you have noisy pets, please secure them in an area where they cannot be heard for the duration of your session.
If, when Courtney calls you for your appointment, you do not answer the call, she will leave one voicemail to verify that she called. This constitutes a NO SHOW. Your session and the payment will be forfeited without a refund. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Please mark your appointment on your calendar as Courtney does not send out appointment reminders.
Courtney does not extend sessions. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Please do not provide Courtney with any information or pictures before your session. This allows for a clean slate for your reading.
Effective March 1, 2024, all sessions, readings, and coaching packages purchased must be used within one year from the purchase date. Any unused minutes, readings, sessions, and/or coaching packages that remain unused after one year will be forfeited and no refunds will be given. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Recording of telephone readings or sessions via any means or format is not permitted without Courtney's written permission. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS.
Please do not multi-task during your session. A strong connection cannot be achieved if your focus is elsewhere. Furthermore, it disrupts the flow of information which will negatively impact the quality of your reading. If these conditions are present at the time of your reading, the session will be terminated without a refund. NO EXCEPTIONS. Please bear this in mind when scheduling your appointment.
If using a cell phone for your session, please ensure that there are no reception issues and that you have sufficient battery life for your appointment. A poor telephone connection will limit what can be covered during your reading. If the session is continually disrupted by connectivity issues and/or more than two dropped calls, the session will be terminated without a refund. NO EXCEPTIONS. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have a good telephone connection, sufficient battery life, and consistent receptivity before your appointment begins.
DO NOT USE A SPEAKERPHONE during your appointment. It is too difficult to hear you on speakerphone, which disrupts the flow of your session and the receptivity of psychic information.
Never drink alcohol, take sedatives, or use recreational drugs before, or during, your reading/session. Doing so blocks information and diminishes the benefits you receive from your session. You want to be calm, clear, and alert for a good psychic connection. If you are under the influence of substances, incoherent, or inebriated, the session will be terminated without a refund. NO EXCEPTIONS. Please come to your session sober and clear-headed.
Please do not 'test' Courtney with trick questions, negativity, and/or distrustful attitude. This will slow down and block the energy needed to achieve a successful reading. Resistance, arguing, and/or hostility will act as a barrier and will not be tolerated either during a session, or via text, email, or phone between sessions. Courtney reserves the right to end the session immediately, without a refund, if any of these issues are present during the session. NO EXCEPTIONS. This is something you are paying for, and you want to keep the energy uplifting, respectful, and pleasant. Thank you.
Please ensure that you have ample privacy for your session. If others are present, however well-intentioned they may be, it may be difficult for you to relax. During evidential mediumship readings, loved ones may, and often do, choose not to come through due to a lack of privacy. If you are feeling vulnerable or uncomfortable, psychic information cannot flow freely and may be blocked. You want to feel safe, secure, relaxed, and have the privacy you need to discuss personal information.
Sessions will not be conducted if you are driving, or are in a parked motor vehicle, in a public area, are outside, or if there is background noise. These distractions are problematic for receiving psychic information. If these conditions are present at the time of your reading, the session will be terminated without a refund. NO EXCEPTIONS. Please bear this in mind when scheduling your appointment.
PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONE NOTIFICATION SOUNDS, PHONE RINGER, and other device notifications to prevent disruptions during your session.
Other people may not "sit in" or "listen in" during your reading. Other people may not be present in the room with you during your reading. Please ensure that you are alone, in a private space, and undistracted. Otherwise, Courtney may receive information for or from the other person in the room. This makes things confusing and takes Courtney's time and attention away from helping you. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Psychic Courtney Beck cannot guarantee 100% accuracy of any reading, and her readings and advice are not meant to take the place of your own sound judgment or other necessary professional advice. As a prospective client, you understand that you maintain, at all times, the freedom to choose your own path and you agree to take full personal responsibility for your own choices, decisions, words, and actions.
Post-reading - You, as the client, are 100% liable and responsible for what you do with the information you receive from Courtney and agree not to hold Courtney accountable in any way (financially, legally, etc.) for actions you take as a result of your reading with her.
Specials - At certain times Courtney offers specials on readings and services. Please respect boundaries and do not request discounts or free readings. Courtney does not, and will not, answer questions for free. If you would like a reading or have questions you must pay for a reading.
Appointments: Please Note: Appointments are required. If you are seeking an appointment/session, a completed payment is required at the time of scheduling. Courtney cannot guarantee your appointment will still be available unless payment has been received. Also, please be mindful of your session time. Courtney will not go over and will end the session on time. Please be respectful of the time that you paid for as free minutes or extensions will not be given unless you pay for extended time. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE.
Courtney does not answer follow-up questions after the end of your reading either by text, email, or phone. If you have remaining questions after your reading, you may schedule a 15-minute (or longer) follow-up session. See "Follow-Up" readings information here: 15 Minute Follow-Up Readings
Pricing - Pricing for Courtney's services and products is very competitive. However, as the economy fluctuates, all pricing on products and services offered is subject to change at any time without notice.
Posting negative and/or nasty remarks on Psychic Review Boards or social media may be grounds for legal action. If your remarks or comments adversely affect Courtney's business, legal action can and may be sought.
Courtney Beck will respect your privacy and she asks that you respect the messages that she gives you in a reading.
ALL readings, products, and services content are subject to the client’s interpretation.
All sessions are conducted via phone.
Your session is an investment in your spiritual growth and overall well-being. You want the energy to be light, uplifting, and positive so that you can enjoy the experience and truly benefit from it.
Enjoy your session. It is for your benefit and is your own unique and personal experience.
When you purchase a session or package of time with Courtney Beck, she commits to having enough time available to serve you. For that reason, no refunds will be given. NO EXCEPTIONS.
All requests to reschedule must be made a minimum of 48 hours before your scheduled appointment time.
All requests to reschedule any appointment less than 48 hours before the appointment time will be considered "no shows" and will be forfeited without refund. NO EXCEPTIONS.
ALL "no-shows" are charged the full session price. No refunds will be given. NO EXCEPTIONS.
A session may be rescheduled only once, after that the session is forfeited. NO EXCEPTIONS.
PRIORITY reading purchases are final and non-refundable.
Please mark your calendar as Courtney does not send appointment reminders.
All Sessions and Coaching Package purchases are final.
You are paying for Courtney Beck's time, energy, and experience, not for the information or outcome of the sessions and coaching.
Readings may not be recorded by audio or any other means. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS.
Psychic Medium Courtney Beck reserves the right to reschedule at any time due to illness or any other emergency.
Forfeiting Sessions Without a Refund:
-Under the influence of drugs and or alcohol. (Session will be terminated immediately without a refund.) NO EXCEPTIONS.
-In a moving vehicle, as a driver or passenger. (Session will be terminated immediately without a refund.) NO EXCEPTIONS.
-Multitasking during a session - Examples: Scrolling on your cell phone, checking social media or email, watching YouTube or TV, putting away dishes, unloading the dishwasher, working in the garden, doing laundry, folding laundry, tidying up, cooking, putting away groceries, or anything similar. (Session will be terminated immediately without a refund.) NO EXCEPTIONS.
-Background noise such as televisions, music, children, noisy pets, traffic, people talking in the background, or multitasking during sessions. (Session will be terminated immediately without a refund unless all distractions can be eliminated immediately.) NO EXCEPTIONS.
-The client is not psychologically responding positively to the reading.
-The client is silent and does not actively participate in coaching calls.
-If the client shows any aggressive or confrontational attitude during the session.
-Making a false claim/complaint against Courtney Beck.
-Arguing, hostility, or being verbally combative with Courtney Beck.
-Testing/distrustful/combative towards Courtney Beck during or between sessions.
-Verbal abuse in any way either during the session, in person, by phone, by text, or by email.
The session will be terminated immediately without a refund for any or all of the above circumstances or conditions. NO EXCEPTIONS.
All "NO SHOWS" forfeit the session price and are non-refundable. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS.
Please be advised that no matter how talented or gifted a person is, no psychic medium can predict, forecast, or provide information with absolute certainty and predicted outcomes are never set in stone.
Please note: In no way does Courtney guarantee, or am to be held liable for what manifests in your life by as a result of GOD, FATE, YOUR FREE WILL AND CHOICES, and/or DESTINY. Courtney's services and products are only intended to be used as tools to enhance and influence your life spiritually or otherwise.
Timelines may shift because of free will, intentions, thoughts, actions, and energy, therefore no timing predictions can ever be 100% guaranteed.
All information given by Courtney is given on the understanding that nothing is 100%, especially the subtle vibrations of psychic and spiritual connections where you have free will to change your path and outcomes.
The client takes full responsibility, for accepting or not accepting any guidance given, predictions, and spiritual advice.
All information is given for the client to use of their own free will.
***Courtney recommends waiting approximately 3-6 months after a loved ones passing before scheduling an evidential mediumship reading to reconnect with them. This will allow you time to process some of your grief. Intense grief can block your loved one from coming through during a mediumship reading. Additionally, it takes a lot of energy for them to connect from the other side, and they may need time to learn, or relearn, how to make this connection. Courtney understands how anxious you may be to reconnect soon after your loss, however waiting a little while will ultimately benefit you and allow you to have the strongest possible connection with your loved one(s).***
No Psychic Medium can guarantee that the spirits you wish to contact will come through to connect with you during your session. Should your loved one(s) not come through during your mediumship session, Courtney Beck will reschedule your appointment for another time. Understand that no evidential medium can guarantee a connection with a specific person on the other side.
Spirit people have free will like we do here in the physical plane of existence.
Psychic information does not come through as if in HD, nor in the manner depicted in movies and television, and psychic impressions often appear as though seen through a veil. These factors are out of the Psychic Medium’s control.
No guarantees or assurances of any kind are given and Courtney Beck will not be held accountable for any interpretations or decisions made by recipients based on information provided during sessions.
For legal purposes, ALL sessions are for entertainment purposes only.
Courtney Beck will NOT read on any of the following:
Medical, Health, Psychological Issues or Diagnoses / Pregnancy / Life Expectancy
Curse or Hex Removal / Entity Attachments
Stock Market / Gambling / Lottery Numbers
Legal Issues / Political Issues / Politics / Politicians / Election results
World Events / Global Predictions
Climate Change / Environmental Issues / Natural Disasters
Pandemic / Vaccines
Forfeiting Sessions:
Under the influence of drugs and or alcohol.
All "NO SHOWS" and requests to reschedule less than 48 hours before the appointment start time forfeit the session price and are non-refundable. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS.
Hold Harmless Agreement:
By purchasing services from Courtney Beck, you agree to a "hold harmless." Courtney Beck is neither a physician nor a therapist, and her services should never be used as a replacement for qualified doctors, psychiatrists, therapists, lawyers, or financial advisors.
Courtney Beck is a Psychic Medium, Intuitive Empath, Light Language Channel, Channel, and Ordained Minister, and all services provided are spiritual and metaphysical. Courtney Beck is a Lightworker...not a Fortune Teller.
Light Language Healing / Channeling Services:
Courtney Beck does not claim to be able to be able to heal you, nor are her services a substitute for medical and psychiatric advice, or the services of a licensed and qualified professional. Courtney Beck neither diagnoses nor prescribes. Courtney Beck will offer her spiritual intuitive impressions and the information she receives. The work you do together is intended to create a vibrational shift that should be felt and perceived on all levels of Mind/Body/Spirit/Life Path.
You must be 18 years of age or older to purchase any service or product from this website.
If the client verbally announces intent to commit suicide or to harm themselves or others, Courtney Beck has the right to contact the proper authorities.
Policy on Missed Appointments and Refunds. NO REFUNDS will be granted for canceled or missed appointments. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE. Please do not book an appointment and pay for it if you do not intend to keep it. All appointments are scheduled in EASTERN TIME. It is the client's responsibility to be available at the time of the appointment. Not being available for a scheduled appointment forfeits the appointment. NO REFUND WILL BE GIVEN. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE. Rescheduling an appointment is allowed up to 48 HOURS BEFORE the scheduled appointment start time, otherwise, NO REFUND WILL BE GIVEN, NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE, and there will be ONLY ONE opportunity to reschedule the appointment.
Please email admin@courtneybeckchannel.com a minimum of 48 hours before your scheduled appointment time if you would like to reschedule your appointment. Please understand that not showing up for an appointment affects valuable appointment time, and is not fair to other clients who want to schedule an appointment.
No Appointment Substitutions Policy. Scheduled appointments cannot be substituted for payment made for a different type of session other than the one originally paid for. Session options cannot be altered, exchanged, or interchanged in any way and are considered separate session purchases with separate payment fees. All purchases are final. Disclaimer: These services are provided for entertainment purposes only, and no guarantees are implied or stated. Clients must be 18 years or older to book, receive, and/or purchase a reading, product, or service from this website. Readings, light language, and coaching sessions are not substitutes for professional, legal, financial, medical, or psychiatric advice or care. Clients are encouraged to seek the advice of a trained Medical or Psychiatric professional about any physical health or mental health issues. ALL readings, products, and services are subject to the client’s interpretation and the decisions and actions the client chooses to make.
© 2025 by Courtney Beck. All Rights Reserved.